Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little About Me

I am an 18 year old female living in West Memphis, AR, about 5 minutes away from "world-famous" Memphis, TN. I was born in Memphis in the year 1991...yes, I'm young, but who cares. I was born into a family of three, my mother, my brother, and now me. We moved to West Memphis when I was around 4 or 5, kindergarten age, and we have been back and forth from Memphis to West Memphis every since. Although I have lived in Memphis many years of my life, I have never went to school in Memphis. I have attended school in West Memphis all of my life, K-12 and some college. I plan to leave West Memphis soon, real soon. I do not plan on living my life in a town so small, I need space and privacy. I am a very private person, a bit of a loner at times, but I do love to have fun. I love to dance, sing, and hang with my friends. Well that's enough about me for now...can't give away all of my secrets in one blog. lolz

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