Thursday, July 16, 2009

For Arthur

Mane it's really f*d up how simple life and death is. Life is all around us, and so is death, but death takes a greater toll on us than life does. It's something that happens so quick and unexpecting sometimes, whereas, on the other hand, life is something you can prepare for. How can you be prepared for someone else to take your life?! I mean how can you? can't. My friend Arthur Gregory got shot and killed tonight...he was "supposedly" getting robbed but hey idk the real story, but I can't wait to find out. But for all the people with so much evil in their hearts that they can actually take the life of another human being, take time and ask yourself this....what if it was you on the opposite end of the gun? how would you feel knowing that someone was about to take your life? and then finally ask matter what the person did to you or said to hurt your it really worth it?

Rest in Peace Arthur, and for the murderor...may God have mercy on your soul. Through this message, I pray for you.

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