Tuesday, January 5, 2010

well...im off tu a long day of work at the infamous "Church's Chicken." yes, that's the work house. but i get off later 2nite, so ill check in probably sometime tomorrow.

--->im really upset im going tu miss this movie called The Perfect Marriage!! it looks like it's goin tu be really interesting-full of suspense and mischief!!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Long Time No Hear

Well i haven't checked in in a while, but im BACK! I have been striving to reach the top in all ways possible. I just completed my first semester of college (ready for the second one to start), I found a job (finally!!), and Im trying to become a model....Im also doing all of this while facing the challenges of growing up and becoming a full-time adult (not part-time). Well ill be checking in more often now; ive just been busy!!

Im still Kute though as yuh can clearly see!!---->

P.S. In the meantime, yuh can follow meh on Twitter (http://twitter.com/NiaSamone) or on Myspace (search Nia Samone).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

For Arthur

Mane it's really f*d up how simple life and death is. Life is all around us, and so is death, but death takes a greater toll on us than life does. It's something that happens so quick and unexpecting sometimes, whereas, on the other hand, life is something you can prepare for. How can you be prepared for someone else to take your life?! I mean how can you?...you can't. My friend Arthur Gregory got shot and killed tonight...he was "supposedly" getting robbed but hey idk the real story, but I can't wait to find out. But for all the people with so much evil in their hearts that they can actually take the life of another human being, take time and ask yourself this....what if it was you on the opposite end of the gun? how would you feel knowing that someone was about to take your life? and then finally ask yourself....no matter what the person did to you or said to hurt your feelings....is it really worth it?

Rest in Peace Arthur, and for the murderor...may God have mercy on your soul. Through this message, I pray for you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Taking Chances

I recently decided to start taking more chances. Life is full of decisions based on taking chances. If people never took chances think of what life would be like...absolutely NOTHING! Fame and fortune was built on people taking chances. Knowledge is to take chances. Invention is taking chances. Evolution is taking chances. Changing a routine for something so out of the ordinary is taking chances. To open your heart and love is taking a chance.

Once you open you eyes to taking chances your life will be changed forever. Are you ready to start taking chances. Well life is a half glass of water, and if you are a person who doesn't like taking chances then you should ask yourself: is it half full? or half empty?

If the answer is half empty then start taking chances, and life will be a whole lot more fulfilling.
If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong...but i doubt it
This man just cracks me up with his acts lmfao

Rickey Smiley: Church's Chicken

Now i just read this guy Nikk Phaze's myspace blog. It's entitled Public Devotional and it really touched me. Nikk good job on being a stong, firm believer of God. I am behind you 100 percent of the way and I am deeply moved by your words. They are great. So readers...enjoy

Public Devotional.

Father God, hear my cries tonight. It's as if I've been walking through a dark, moonlit forrest my entire life, seeking for guidance to make me feel satisfied with my own life. Time after time I ask for forgiveness for the things that I do. I am not a perfect person, but Lord, you are.

You all say that my God isn't real. But answer me this:
How can a love so great, so powerful, so phenominal, be felt by a mere teenager even when he feels noone is around?
You all say that my God isn't real....

And I just want to get one thing across to the minds of disbelievers and skeptics...Even if I turn out to be wrong; my heart, my soul, and my mind is still telling me I was right to live for this.

I am living for more than just a few words written inside of a book long ago.
I am living for more than a painting of a man on a cross.
I am living for Jesus Christ, provider of all the words that have came to me to write this simple writing. Forgiver of all the wrong that I have done. And most importantly, I am living for a God who has gave me the gift of love and life.And I am living proof that there is hope for the hopeless, and love for the lovesick.

You all say that my God isn't real...
Til' the day he comes back and before him you kneel...
For I know now the truth, cause' I know what I feel.
Broken hearts are truly meant to be healed.
So this guy really cracks me up. His parents just cancelled his brother's subscription to a game. I'm guessing his brother is like some kind of game freak because he totally freaks out about the news. lmfao.