Tuesday, January 5, 2010

well...im off tu a long day of work at the infamous "Church's Chicken." yes, that's the work house. but i get off later 2nite, so ill check in probably sometime tomorrow.

--->im really upset im going tu miss this movie called The Perfect Marriage!! it looks like it's goin tu be really interesting-full of suspense and mischief!!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Long Time No Hear

Well i haven't checked in in a while, but im BACK! I have been striving to reach the top in all ways possible. I just completed my first semester of college (ready for the second one to start), I found a job (finally!!), and Im trying to become a model....Im also doing all of this while facing the challenges of growing up and becoming a full-time adult (not part-time). Well ill be checking in more often now; ive just been busy!!

Im still Kute though as yuh can clearly see!!---->

P.S. In the meantime, yuh can follow meh on Twitter (http://twitter.com/NiaSamone) or on Myspace (search Nia Samone).